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Dirty Girl Page 7

  “You want just dinner?” There was a sight tilt to her voice. Hesitance maybe? But she was a smart woman, and her instincts were telling her that he wasn’t all good. He’d be lying if he tried to tell her he was this knight in shining armor.

  “No, Naggie. I want a lot more than that, but I think this is new to both of us, and taking it one day at a time is probably the safest route.” She may have been in a relationship just yesterday, and so he couldn’t really say that this was new to her, but Booshie felt something with her.

  She stared into his eyes, and although there was a part of him that thought she might tell him sex was all she wanted, he hoped like hell she wouldn’t.

  “I’m too old to play games, and I am serious about making something more out of this than a one-night stand, but only if you are.” He stared at her, wanting to just take action because that was the type of man he was, but he wouldn’t push Naggie, not when he had a shot of having more with her. He was too fucking old to be beating around the bush when he wanted something as much as much as he wanted her.

  “Okay.” She said that word without hesitance, and he fucking loved that she was willing to jump in with both feet. “This is going to be fucking crazy.”

  Booshie tossed his head back and laughed one of those belly rolling ones. “Yeah, baby, it really fucking will be, but when something feels good like this I like it a little crazy.” He took her mouth and kissed her hard and possessively. That ex of hers had screwed up royally by betraying her, but if she gave herself to him he’d make sure she was never fucked over ever again. At least not in the bad way.


  Naggie pulled her car into Rob’s driveway, and Bennie pulled in behind her. Once Booshie had dropped her off they’d made plans for later in the week for dinner, but she was still scheduled to give him ink Wednesday. They hadn’t talked about that appointment, and her thoughts were more focused on the fact she had basically jumped from being with Rob to being in … whatever it was they were in … with Booshie. But the difference was she felt so damn comfortable, and it felt so right being in Booshie’s presence, that she couldn’t see that this was wrong at all. Whether it really was or not was left to be seen, but right now she’d enjoy the ride. She climbed out of the car, and Bennie did the same. She walked up to Naggie, and they both stared at the front door.

  “And he’s gone, like for sure?”

  Naggie looked over at Bennie. “I hope.” It was technically their one year anniversary today, and they had had plans for this afternoon to see a show and go to lunch, but fuck him and his nasty ass. She had done a drive-by before actually pulling into the driveway. Fortunately she had Bennie as back-up, but it wasn’t because she was afraid of Rob. In fact, it was more that she was afraid of what she would do to Rob if she was alone with his douche-bag ass. “And you’re sure it is okay to stay with you for a while?”

  Bennie rolled her eyes and then slipped her arm through Naggie’s. “Girl, I wouldn’t have it any other way. Besides, that old house is too big for just me, and it’ll be like an adult sleepover all the time.” Bennie grinned. “With wine binge parties, stuffing our faces with greasy fattening food, and watching gay porn on occasion.”

  Naggie burst out laughing. “You couldn’t handle gay porn. It’s too hot for you.”

  Bennie snorted, but grinned again.

  They made their way up to the front door, with Bennie’s heels clicking and Naggie’s boots hitting the pavement. She started to get pissed the closer she got to that door, but she pushed her emotions aside and focused on why she was here: to get the rest of her shit and leave. Once at the door Bennie removed her arm from the crook of Naggie’s and patted her on the back.

  “No homicide today, okay.” Bennie smiled, and her red painted lips stretched over her straight white teeth.

  “Did I ever tell you that you’re awesome?”

  “Yes, but you can tell me that anytime you want.” They both started laughing, and Naggie reached for the spare key she still had and unlocked the door.

  “Let’s get in and out before he gets his ass home.”

  “Agreed,” Bennie said in a sing-song voice, but Naggie knew that she was just as serious about getting this shit done as Naggie was.

  They entered the house and immediately went into the back bedroom she had shared with Rob. God, she could practically still smell the nasty perfume Tally wore, and could even see them still fucking right in the bed. “Those nasty fuckers.” She said it more to herself, and hadn’t meant to say it out loud at all.

  “You have stuff in the bathroom?”

  Naggie grabbed one of her small bags and handed it to Bennie. “Yeah. If you could go through anything that doesn’t look like it belongs to that douche I’d appreciate it.”

  Bennie left the bedroom, and Naggie got started tossing the rest of her clothes that were in the closet and in the drawers into her bag. Aside from those material things she had no jewelry, no family heirlooms, and nothing that she hadn’t bought over the past year that she couldn’t buy again. Just as she was coming out of the bedroom Bennie came out of the bathroom.

  “I was tempted to dip his toothbrush in the toilet.” Bennie grinned, but before Naggie could sit on that very tempting idea the sound of the front door opening and slamming shut had them both looking down the hallway.

  “That motherfucking cocksucker,” Naggie said under her breath.

  “Naggie?” Rob yelled out, and there was clear anger in his voice, which further pissed her off. He had no right to feel anything but shame and self-disgust for being such a prick.

  “Come on,” she said to Bennie and led the way down the hallway, not about to get into anything with Rob. She was done with this and him, and although she hadn’t committed herself to another man yet, she was anxious to see where this new chapter in her life led. She rounded the corner only to come to a stop when she saw Rob standing by the front door.

  “You’re here.”

  “Just to get my shit, but now I’m gone.” She moved forward and tried to push past him, but he reached out and grabbed her arm.

  Snapping her head in his direction, she bared her teeth. “If you want to keep your balls and the option to have children later on in life I suggest you let go of me.”

  Rob let go over her, because if the past year had taught him anything it should have been that she didn’t fuck around or make idle threats. But then again he cheated on her, so he either didn’t care or he was just an idiot.

  “Naggie, please let me explain—”

  “Rob, if I were you I’d just shut the hell up and get the fuck out of the way.” Leave it to Bennie to grow impatient, too.

  “Bennie, stay the hell out of this.”

  “You have no right talking to my friend that way. You brought this on yourself, fucked up big time, and now you’re dealing with the consequences. I hope you like jerking yourself off from this point on, or maybe you can have that bitch Tally handle it for you.”

  “I’m not seeing Tally. I stopped whatever was happening between us because I want to change. I only want you, Naggie.”

  Naggie stared at him but kept her humorless laugh inside. “You broke it off with her? For me?”

  Rob smiled, obviously thinking that she was thrilled with the idea. “Of course I did. I love you.” He tried to reach for her again, but she slapped his hand away.

  “You stupid asshole. Now it looks like you really are going to have to jack off.” She shook her head. “You know, you say you love me, but you never once said it during our relationship.” She adjusted the bag on her shoulder. “Let’s be honest, Rob. There was never any love between us. This was a physical relationship, and when I stopped putting out like a damn sex fiend you went to the next easy lay.” Yeah, their relationship had been mainly physical, but she had actually let herself trust him even if it didn’t feel real. “Then again, faking it was getting old anyway.” What she had with Rob for the last year didn’t even compare to the night she had experienced with
Booshie. She stared at Rob, feeling sick and disgusted over wasting so much time with him. Served her right for not listening to her heart, and letting her need to have someone overrule her. “This whole fucking Tally in the bedroom was an eye opener, and one I desperately needed. I’m never settling again because I am sick of being alone.” She turned and looked at Bennie. “Let’s go.”

  “So what, you’re just going to leave me and jump in bed with that fucking biker?”

  Naggie turned back around. “Fuck you, Rob. What I do, or in this case who I do is none of your damn business. You lost the right to care about what I do when you stuck your dick in a tramp.” She turned and left him standing there with a scowl on his face. Once they were outside Bennie took her hand and stopped her.

  “Who do you think told that POS about you and the biker?”

  She shook her head. “I think the better question is who didn’t tell him. This damn town is like high school girls on speed when it comes to gossip, especially when it comes to The Vicious Bastards. But if I was worried about what people said I would have conformed a long time ago.” She smiled, squeezed Bennie’s hand, and went over to her car.

  “How about we order take-in and get drunk tonight? We can watch some horror movies where the dumb sluts get killed first.”

  Naggie started laughing. “You read my mind.” She climbed into the car, and once Bennie pulled out of the driveway she glanced once more at the front door. “So long, old chapter in my life.”

  Chapter Seven

  Booshie entered the clubhouse and was feeling pretty damn good about himself. Yeah, Naggie had agreed to have dinner with him, and although it certainly wasn’t breaking news to stop traffic, to him it felt fucking incredible. He stepped up to the bar and slapped his hand on the counter. One of the prospects was cleaning glasses, but stopped and glanced at him. He got Booshie a beer without him having to ask, and once the cold Sam Adams was in his hand he turned and stared at Scars speaking with Ranger in the other room. Ranger was an old fuck of a member that was as ancient as the club. He might not go on runs with them anymore, but he did ride with them in town, participated when needed, and kept the club pussy happy. Even for as old as he was Ranger fucked like he was a hormonal teenager. That had Booshie grinning like a fool. He knew if any of the guys saw how fucking happy he was they’d bust his balls. It wasn’t like he got this way often, rarely in fact. Booshie tipped his beer bottle back, and although it wasn’t quite noon yet, the beer tasted damn good on his tongue. Maybe he was just feeling this surge of emotion inside of him, like he was also a hormonal teenager and he had just gotten his dick sucked for the first time? That had him grinning even wider.

  “What the fuck has you so happy this damn early?” Little leaned up against the counter of the bar, reeking of alcohol and cheap perfume.

  “You need a fucking shower, man.”

  Little lifted his middle finger and flipped him off. “Get me a beer,” he said to the prospect without looking at him. “And a shot of whiskey.” He looked at the prospect then.

  Booshie lifted a brow in Little’s direction, but the other biker didn’t look at him and just flipped him off again. Booshie chuckled and stared straight ahead as he drank his beer.

  “But seriously, what in the hell has you so damn happy?”


  “You’re a lying sack of shit.” He glanced at Little, watched the man toss the shot back, and then chase it with the beer. “Rough night.” He didn’t phrase it like a question, because it was clear the man was hung-over, and when one of the club pussy women came stumbling out of the back hallway it was clear he had partied in his room, too.

  “Yeah. I didn’t close my eyes until past four.” Little scrubbed his hand over his face. “I had to show her why they called me Little.” He looked over at Booshie then and grinned.

  “You’re a sadistic asshole.”

  Little straightened and turned around to stare at the woman that he had clearly fucked last night.

  “See how she is walking all fucked up.” There was almost pride in the sick bastard’s voice. “She found out real fast that Little is the opposite of what I am packing.” He grabbed his crotch in an obscene manner, but that was the way of the club. The guys didn’t mince shit, and said it like it was. “Baby, you ready for round two tonight?” The club pussy stopped and looked at him, and her cheeks heated. She was a newer girl, one that had been hanging around the club cleaning up, but then wanted to take it a step further.

  “I can hardly walk as it is.”

  “Oh yeah, that’s fucking right.” Little drank from his beer bottle and set it on the counter before sauntering over to her. The asshole might be still slightly drunk from last night, but whatever he was whispering into the woman’s ear had her melting against him and sighing.

  Booshie turned away before he had to witness them dry humping each other, and saw Ranger leave the room where he was talking to Scars. The Bastards president leaned against the meeting table and grabbed a cigarette out from inside of his cut. Scars’s face held a hard expression, and Booshie knew something was up. He made his way toward the meeting room, and once inside shut the door behind him.


  Scars looked up and lit his cigarette while staring at Booshie.

  “Hey, man.” He tossed his light on the table, inhaled deeply, and exhaled just as forcefully. After pulling the cigarette away and looking at it, he took one more hit and snubbed it out. “I really need to quit this shit. I told Stella I would, and look at me smoking.”

  “It’s a hard habit to kick.”

  Scars nodded.

  “What’s up? You look like you got something on your mind.” Booshie pulled out a chair and sat down a little ways away from Scars.

  “It’s nothing.”

  “Scars.” Booshie waited until he looked his way again. “I’m your VP, your second in command, and I have known you longer than anyone else in this club.” He left it open like that, letting the other man know that they were close, and therefore needed to trust each other.

  He sighed, ran a hand through his dark hair, and finally nodded. “Yeah, man, I know. I guess I am just feeling my age.”

  “You act like you’re Ranger’s age.” Booshie grinned, and was at least glad when the other biker grinned in return. “But seriously, what’s up?”

  “I just think I need to get away for a while, maybe head up to the cabin and just relax.”

  “Not a bad idea. You live and breathe this club, and while that is what we need, you also need time to yourself or you’ll snap and end up taking out a prospect.” Booshie chuckled, because that wouldn’t be the first time one of the members kicked a prospect’s ass.

  Scars stared at him for a moment and finally sighed. “Marriage is next, man.”

  “No shit?”

  Scars shook his head but didn’t answer that question. “I’m happy for my baby girl, I really am, and feel like a bastard father for feeling this way.” He sounded stunned. “I mean I still remember her running around the clubhouse throwing peanuts at the guys.” Scars started laughing as if picturing that moment.

  “Kids have to grow up, man.”

  “I know, but makes a guy feel old as dirt … and like I’m losing the last part of her mother.”

  Shit, Booshie wasn’t good with this depressing, sad shit, and it was equally uncomfortable because Scars was not a man that showed emotion. “Kids grow up, brother, leave the nest, and start their own families.”

  Scars nodded, but that hard look on his face grew even stonier. “They went to The Springs this week, and I know Cadeon plans on proposing.”

  “How do you know? I think you’re getting yourself pissed over nothing.”

  “He asked me for fucking permission to marry her, showed me the big fuckin’ ring, too.”

  Booshie was silent for a moment. “Damn.”

  “Of course Stella didn’t know, but she has told me they were talking about it, and then Cadeon came to me bef
ore their trip, asked, and pretty much shoved the diamond in my face.” He scrubbed a hand over his face. “But she hasn’t said anything to me about it when she called to check in, so I assume he hasn’t asked yet.”

  “You’re not losing her. It isn’t like she’s leaving town with him. Cadeon is rooted to Reckless, and respects the hell out of you and the club.”

  “I know, and I am happy for them, I really am. But when and if you ever have a kid and go through this, or losing someone you love, you’ll know what I mean.”

  Booshie was speechless for a moment. “Scars, I look at Stella as if she were my own flesh and blood. I watched her grow from a screaming toddler to a gorgeous woman. But even after that I know I could never really understand what you’re going through, not after all you lost.” The scar on the president’s face seemed more pronounced with his emotion. Booshie wasn’t good in situations like this, but he needed to be there for his friend, brother, and the president of his club. “Take some time off, get your head on straight, and when you come back everything will be as you left it.”

  Scars turned away from the window he was looking out of and nodded. “Yeah, I think a couple of days in the cabin might do me some good.”

  “You could take one of the girls up with you. You know they can make you forget your name if they try hard enough.” Booshie stood and clapped Scars on the back. “The fort will be held, brother, but we can’t stay united if your head is somewhere else.”

  Scars pushed off the table, and they slapped each other on the shoulders. “You seem different, more upbeat. You get laid or something?”

  Booshie just grinned and shook his head. This wasn’t just about getting laid, or at least he hoped it wasn’t where Naggie was concerned. “Nah, I think I found myself an old lady.”


  Naggie cleaned off her workstation and leaned back in her chair. It was already the middle of the week, she was moved in temporarily with Bennie, and hadn’t heard from Rob—which was a good thing. The wall clock showed it was a quarter after five, and although they normally stayed open well past nine at times, she hadn’t booked anything after six aside from Booshie coming in, and she knew Ziggy didn’t have any more appointments either. Booshie was supposed to be here any minute, and she would be lying if she said she wasn’t nervous. They hadn’t seen each other since he dropped her off at the parking lot Saturday morning, but they had talked on the phone enough. With her getting as settled in at Bennie’s as she was going to get, and being packed with appointments for the last three days, she didn’t have much time to think about anything but giving ink.