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Double the Fun Page 9

  “Working late going over some new blueprints.”

  “You didn’t want to work on them? I know the two of you can kick some serious ass when you work together on shit like that.”

  “Nah, gotta go get Jane in a few.” He started to turn and go, but it seemed Jaxx wasn’t done with the conversation. He liked the dude well enough, but he was still in a shitty mood after hearing about Jane’s past a week ago. He didn’t know if he would ever be able to move past that. She had been hurt, and they hadn’t been there. Will was dealing with the revelation on his own terms. Rys was just beating the shit out of inanimate objects to get his frustration and anger out. He had the raw knuckles to show for it.

  “Jane’s doing good? Idiots aren’t giving her a hard time, are they?”

  Rys turned back around.

  “Have you heard anyone say shit?” He was getting angry just thinking about someone saying anything about her.

  “When I hear a conversation going in that direction, I kick their drunk asses out.”

  Rys nodded his thanks. “Yeah, Jane’s something special, and William and I don’t take shit when it comes to her.”

  Jaxx watched him for a solid minute, and Rys didn’t know if he knew the underlying message. They looked after her before, but things were different now. She was theirs. At least Jaxx was smart enough not to say anything. He smiled, nodded, and went back to his work.

  Rys left Rowdy’s and climbed into his truck. Slick’s was only half a mile from the bar, and just knowing he was going to see Jane had his dick hard as hell. Adjusting himself, he knew he should have rubbed one out earlier, because he planned on being between her sweet thighs before the night was up. At this rate, he’d come like a damn teenage boy.

  Chapter 18

  “Order up!”

  Jane picked up the two plates of burgers and fries, a common order when the drunks stumbled in and needed something greasy to soak up all the alcohol they consumed. Her feet were killing her, and once again she cursed herself for working these damn doubles. Of course, she always thought that when her shift was about to end. She set the plates in front of the two clearly inebriated guys in her section. The little bell above the front door chimed, alerting her of the arrival of most likely another drunk customer. Without looking her shoulder, she called out, “Just take a seat anywhere, and I’ll be right there.”

  After picking up two more plates the cook slid under the warming lights, Jane deposited them at another table and headed to her new customer. Head lowered as she dug in her pocket for her pad and pen, she stopped in front of the booth. When she lifted her eyes and saw who it was, a smile spread across her face, and her heart skipped a beat. Rys leaned back in the booth with one leg stretched out, the other bent at the knee. One of his arms was slung over the back of the seat, and his grin was wide.

  He was gorgeous in a black T-shirt that stretched over his wide chest and a pair of low-riding, worn jeans that encased his muscular thighs. Her traitorous body decided that was the best time to become aroused, and she had to force herself to calm the hell down. She was at work and needed to act somewhat professional, even if all she wanted to do was pounce on the customer.

  Smiling, she cocked her hip and loved the way Rys’s eyebrow arched as he skimmed his gaze up and down her body. “Would you like to hear our specials?”

  He leaned forward, resting his forearms on the faded yellow linoleum tabletop, and grinned. “Does that special include you naked and bouncing that sweet pussy on my cock?”

  Her cheeks heated, and she swallowed roughly. Jane looked over her shoulder and made sure no one heard him. “You’re going to get me fired talking dirty like that.” She tried to sound stern, but it came out more breathy than anything else.

  “Some asses would get kicked if you got fired.”

  Jane rolled her eyes. “Have you been waiting around for me to get off work?” He didn’t answer, but she knew damn well that he had. She had let her mom use the car because she got out of the bake sale hours before Jane got off work. She knew one of the guys would be able to take her home. Now, here he was, looking sexy as hell, waiting for her to get off work.

  He shrugged and leaned back in the booth. “I hung out at Rowdy’s for a while and just decided to come over and order some pie. You have pie, right?” He cocked that eyebrow of his again in that sexy way that made her pussy wet. He phrased it innocently enough, but his lids had dropped, and he watched her with a look that said he wanted to eat said pie off her body. She needed to snap out of this and finish up the rest of her shift.

  Jane rattled off the pies they had, and Rys chuckled, knowing he was getting to her and setting her on edge. He finally ordered apple and a cup of coffee. After she gave it to him, she saw she only had twenty minutes left. She went in the back and started counting her till and tips. Saturday had been busy, and her tips showed it. The extra money would do a world of good for the week.

  “Can I pick up an extra shift tomorrow, Martin?”

  Jane looked over and saw Lonnie standing at Martin’s desk. Jane noticed how she was wringing her hands, a sure sign that the petite redhead was nervous as hell.

  “I don’t have any extra hours, Lonnie,” Martin said without looking up from his mound of paperwork.

  “It’s just that I had to call off last week because Skylar was sick, and I could really make up those hours.”

  Jane’s heart clenched at the desperation in the woman’s voice. Her little girl, Skylar, a beautiful redhead just like her mom, had come down with some kind of stomach bug last week. Jane knew Lonnie didn’t have the time or the money to call in sick, but what other option did she have?

  Martin lifted his beady little eyes and gave Lonnie a bored look. “That’s really not my problem, Lonnie. All the extra shifts have been covered.” He dismissed her with a wave of his hand, and Jane didn’t miss the dejected look on Lonnie’s face. She walked past Jane and into the employee locker room. After glaring at Martin, Jane followed Lonnie.

  “You doing okay, hon?”

  Lonnie nodded and grabbed her purse out of the locker. “Yeah, it’s just I really couldn’t afford to take off that day, but little Skylar was sick.” She turned around, and Jane’s heart broke when she saw tears swimming in Lonnie’s big green eyes.

  “Oh, Lonnie.” Jane walked up to her and wrapped her arms around her petite frame. “Everything will be okay.” Jane pulled back and wiped the stray tears that had fallen from Lonnie’s eyes. “I don’t have extra money, but I can give you one or two of my shifts next week. I’ve been picking up a lot of doubles lately.”

  Lonnie cried harder and buried her face in the crook of Jane’s neck. “Thank you, but I couldn’t take that from you. I know how much you and your mama need that money.”

  Jane pulled her away and smiled.

  “You and your little girl could use it more. I just wish I could give you some money to help. I know how hard it has to be raising Skylar by yourself.”

  Lonnie smiled and ducked her head. “Thank you, Jane.” Her gratitude was huge even though her words were low. They hugged once more and then headed out together. To others, giving one employee a shift didn’t seem like much, but Jane knew firsthand that eight hours could mean a lot when another person was depending on her.

  Chapter 19

  Ten minutes later, Rys was pulling his beast of a truck into his driveway. Even though Jane was exhausted and it was past midnight, she didn’t want to go home. Her mom would be home but fast asleep. Jane didn’t want to go into an empty home and listen to the house settle. There was no way she would have been able to fall asleep, not when her body was lit up like a firework from Rys’s earlier innuendo.

  Rys turned toward her, the shadows wrapping around him like a dark lover’s caress. “Come on.” His voice was low, his grin wide. She climbed out of the cab, and he met her at the front of the truck. In one hand, he held a thick blanket, and the other took her hand in his. He started pulling her forward to the back of the propert
y. It was dark as hell out, but a full moon lit the ground with silvery light.

  They walked in silence for several long moments, the sounds of the night their background music. They broke through the thick line of trees at the back of the property, and she knew exactly where he was going. The pond came into view, the break in the trees above it letting in the moon’s light, making the liquid look iridescent.

  “What are we doing out here?” As soon as the words were out, she knew the answer. Casting a curious glance at Rys, she was surprised to see him already shirtless.

  “I thought a little midnight skinny-dipping would be therapeutic, since you’ve been on your feet all day.”

  “Mmm-hmm.” She just bet he was doing all of this for “therapeutic reasons.” It didn’t matter though, because she didn’t need a reason to get naked with Rys. “Where’s William?” She slipped off her shoes and socks.

  “Doing some late-night paperwork.” His hands went to the button of his jeans, and he popped it free.

  “I didn’t take you away from anything important, did I?”

  He pushed his jeans down. His boxer briefs followed. There he stood, gloriously naked and causing her mouth to dry. He stalked toward her, and when he was right in front of her, he cupped her cheek with his big, warm palm.

  “There isn’t anything more important than you, Jane. The only reason Will is still at work is because Olyver was busting balls for the blueprints to be triple-checked. Will drew the short straw.” He smirked, ran his hands down her arms, and stopped at her waist. Her shirt was pulled from her body in one sweep, and her ridiculously short skirt was next.

  “Martin is a slimy bastard, but I have to give him props for the uniforms.” His mouth found the spot where her neck and shoulder met. Letting her head fall back, Janey closed her eyes and gripped his shoulders for support. Rys was wickedly talented with his mouth and tongue, and she found herself clamping her thighs together to try to stop the flow of moisture. She stood there in a thin bra and plain white panties, but she felt bare to him. The feel of his chest, so warm and hard, pressing against her breasts caused her nipples to grow erect from the friction.

  “You taste so good, smell so fucking good.”

  Air sawed in and out of her lungs at the sound of his gruff words. “I probably smell like french fries and pizza.” Rys ran his tongue up her throat and sucked at her pulse point.

  “No, baby. You taste like peach cobbler and smell like vanilla ice cream.” He sucked at her skin harder until she felt the prickling sensation of her blood being drawn to the surface. Fingers slipped beneath the elastic of her shoulder straps and slowly dragged them down her arms. The cups moved under her breasts, causing the mounds to pop free and be pushed up. Rys’s mouth hovered over her nipple for a drawn-out moment. Jane wanted to cry out for him to put his lips around her, to suck on her flesh and ease her ache.

  “Don’t worry, baby. I won’t make you suffer.” His mouth latched on the rigid tissue, drawing it in deep, making it impossibly harder. Had she spoken out loud, actually cried out her desires? She must have, because Rys was suckling at her breast while he massaged the other. The sting of his teeth nicking the sensitive tissue had air hissing between her teeth. Jane opened her eyes at the sound of flesh popping free and gazed at him as fire licked through her core.

  “Rys.” Licking her lips, she squirmed when he attacked her other nipple. The flesh hadn’t felt neglected until his mouth landed on it. He smoothed his tongue on the tissue while he cupped the underside of her breast, his thumb tracing the curve.

  He pulled away, and her eyes dropped to the impressive stiff length that stood out from his body. “Come on, Jane.” His eyes flicked to her panties. “Take them off for me. Nice. And. Slow.” A shiver worked through her as she gripped the edge and slid the material down her thighs. When she stood in front of him without a stitch of clothing on, he didn’t make a move to touch her. No words were spoken as he took in every inch of her body.

  “You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.” With those words low and heated, he made her feel like there wasn’t another woman on the planet who compared to her. “Come here.” She slipped her hand into his outstretched one. They walked toward the pond, and she dipped her toe in. The water was chilled, but she knew as soon as she went in that she would acclimate to it. Besides, Rys’s warm body would no doubt be pressed against hers and keep her warm.

  They waded into the water until the cool liquid skimmed the tops of her breasts. A chill worked up her spine, and Rys was immediately there, his arms wrapped around her waist. Jane wrapped her legs around his hips, feeling the stiffness of his cock press against her folds, teasing her, making her pussy throb. With her arms around his neck and her legs snug around his lean hips, Rys moved them deeper into the water until her whole body was submerged. Lips clashing, they kissed hard and deep, their tongues moving, pressing, seducing.

  The feel of smooth rocks against her back had her breaking away and gasping for air. He slipped his hand down her ass, cupping the cheek, while he braced the other one on the rocky ledge beside her. He had moved her to the edge of the pond, and she had been too focused on the feel of his mouth on hers to realize it.

  Fingers delving in the crease of her bottom, Rys stroked the pad of one digit over the puckered hole. She bit her lip, her legs shaking from the intensity of that one small touch. Like a fiend for his body, Jane started rubbing her pussy along the stiff length of him. The water moved around them, sliding against their bodies in an intimate caress.

  The bud of her clit bumped against his pelvis, sending shockwaves through her core and giving her the need to go faster. Up and down she moved, climbing faster toward that explosive pleasure she only found with Rys and William. Their mouths melded, lips moved sensually, tongues dueling for supremacy. It felt good, so good that the sensation of her orgasm peaking and then crashing over the edge had her grinding her hips into Rys wantonly and moaning in abandon. His mouth moved down to her neck. He grunted his own pleasure as she rode out the exquisite torture.

  When the pleasure dwindled to a low throb between her thighs, she realized Rys no longer had her pressed against the edge but was now moving with intent toward the shoreline. Jane was still wrapped around his body, and when he climbed out with her still attached to him like a shirt, she didn’t protest.

  It was nice letting Rys take control, letting him make all the decisions even if it only had to do with where they had sex, and they would be having sex. Using one hand, Rys successfully managed to spread the thick blanket on the ground. When he laid her back and gazed down at her, Jane was struck by how darkly handsome he was. The dominance he exuded was so thick that it wrapped around her like a second blanket.


  “Yes, Rys.” Spreading her thighs, trying to get him to get down to what she really wanted, she felt and heard the sound of nature around them, heightening the very delicious act they were about to do.

  “On your belly, baby, ass in the air for me.”

  Everything stilled around her, not because of what he wanted her to do, but because of the way he demanded it. It turned her on immensely. Without thinking, just doing, she flipped over and got on her hands and knees. Rys’s big body was behind hers instantly, his hands smoothing down the curve of her spine before stopping at the small of her back. He didn’t move for several long moments, and right as she was about to plead for him to take her, he spread her ass cheeks and ran a finger over her anus. Jane stiffened. She didn’t know if she was ready to have this kind of sex. He must have sensed her hesitation, because he sighed loudly but didn’t move his finger. He used his other hand to part her folds and rub her flesh until she was slippery from her desire and lifting her ass even higher for him.

  “Soon, baby, I’ll have my cock buried in your ass. I have to have you this way too, Jane. I need to possess every part of your body.” He shoved two thick fingers into her, and she arched her back and cried out. Those fingers pumped in and out of h
er while he used his thumb to press down hard on her clit. The finger pressed on her anus started rubbing slow circles around the puckered flesh but didn’t attempt to penetrate her. “That’s it, baby. Work that pussy on my fingers. Fuck yourself until you come all over me.”

  Until he spoke the words, she hadn’t realized she had been doing just that, but she was too far gone in passion to give a shit. Working her hips back and forth, she fucked herself on his hand, feeling her orgasm climb higher and higher until it burst free for the second time that night. Rys slowed his thrusting fingers but didn’t remove them, just continued to let her ride out the high in bliss. The fingers buried inside her were suddenly removed, and the tip of his shaft was poised at her entrance.

  In one fluid thrust, he buried himself to the hilt inside her, causing her pussy to clamp down on him hard. Both of them groaned in unison. It didn’t matter how many orgasms she had for Will or Rys, they always managed to keep her on edge so she was flying higher than she ever had.

  He started pounding into her, and every time he bottomed out, the tip of his shaft hitting her cervix, she cried out for more. His hand landed on the back of her neck, holding her in place while he fucked her raw. The finger still poised at her asshole started to push inside, working all the way in until she was completely filled by Rys. The motion of his hips moving, pushing his cock in her and then pulling it out, and the feeling of his finger in her ass doing the same had her coming so hard she bit her lip.

  The metallic tang of blood filled her taste buds. Rys really started fucking her then, pounding in and out of her while he inserted another finger into her ass. He fucked her with his huge cock in her pussy and did the same with two fingers, pumping in and out of her ass, spreading those digits and stretching her wide. Her breasts swayed from the momentum, and she was coming again.